

Year Health Status (NCDs) VBB TeleEye TelePathology Total
Yellow   Yellow   Yellow   Yellow  
2010 103 15 248 10 0 0 0 376
2012 1,056 4,035 1,084 237 0 0 0 6,412
2013 1,596 6,780 4,301 546 784 0 0 14,007
2014 1,004 2,278 1,659 326 22,067 0 0 27,334
2015 1,330 1,429 2,016 772 10,065 0 0 15,612
2016 1,875 1,614 2,255 1,069 1,898 0 604 9,315
2017 366 799 868 358 931 716 1,288 5,326
2018 288 928 747 321 999 1,915 860 6,058
2019 176 668 411 178 753 1,750 348 4,288
2020 267 296 211 21 201 0 143 1,126
2021 556 476 167 29 0 13 19 1,210
2022 213 480 370 92 0 0 8 1,085
2023 149 192 195 128 0 0 10 622
2024 12 28 14 8 0 2 23 87
Total 8,991 20,018 14,546 4,095 37,698 4,396 3,303 92,858


Portable Health Clinic (PHC) aims to build an affordable, usable and sustainable preventive healthcare system for unreached people. Portable Health Clinic has four major modules (1) Health Clinic box with different medical sensors (2) An empowered female healthcare entrepreneur (we call her Grameen Healthcare Lady) (3) GramHealth software tool to store and manage healthcare data (4) A doctor call center in urban areas to provide suggestions to the patients by using video conferencing tool.

Brief History:

The project was initiated by Dr. Ashir Ahmed in 2008. JST and Fukuoka IST funded the project for the survey and design a booth shaped clinic. In 2009, the health clinic was redesigned to make it portable and modular suggested by Professor Muhammad Yunus and Professor Hiroto Yasuura. In 2010, we served 600 families in Ekhlaspur to develop the GramHealth Database. In 2011, we carried out our portable health clinic trials in Basundia, Panchagarh and Rampal by using urban doctors.

Square Hospitals collaborated with us to provide online doctors. In 2012, the project became larger and focused on non-communicable diseases by the supervision of Dr. Nakashima in Kyushu University. Dr. Kuroda from NICT added BAN (Body Area Network) in the medical sensors for easier inputs of medical data. In 2013, we employed two professional nurses graduated from Grameen Caledonian College of Nursing to test the model the activities of a Grameen Healthcare Lady.

Core Members:

  • Dr. Ashir Ahmed (Project Owner and Design)
  • Dr. Rafiqul Islam Maruf (Design, Implementation and Management)
  • Zahidul Hossein Ripon (Technical Development)
    • Md Mahmudur Rahman (Technical Development)

Collaboration Researchers (Kyushu University, Japan):

  • Dr. Naoki Nakashima (Non-Communicable Disease expert, Physician)
  • Dr. Yasunobu Nohara (Software Design and Coordination)
  • Dr. Andrew Rebeiro-Hargrave (Quality of Service Management)



Countries Reached:

  • Bangladesh
  • India
  • Pakistan
  • Cambodia
  • Liberia